Network fingerprinting to counter reconnaissance and mass exploitation.
Join the hands-on expert workshop to dive into network reconnaissance, the first step in many cyberattacks. Learn new adversarial techniques like JA4, JA4+, and MuonFP, build eBPF filters to block unwanted connections, and discover methods to mask your edge infrastructure from automated scans. Whether you're an intermediate analyst or an advanced defender, this workshop will equip you with the tools to enhance your skills.
Understanding Recon
The role of network recon in cyberattacks. Common scanning tools and patterns.
Foundations of Network Fingerprinting
From p0f and other early techniques to core principles of TCP/IP fingerprinting and L7 fingerprinting.
New Fingerprinting Methods - strengths, limitations
JA4, JA4+, MuonFP. Identifying malicious patterns vs. legitimate traffic.
Hands-On with eBPF Filters
Creating custom filters to flag or/and drop unwanted connections.
Masking Edge Infrastructure
Reducing Exposure to Public Scanners with Actionable Techniques.
Workflow Integration
Fitting fingerprinting into SOC and CSIRT processes.
Practical use cases.
Live demos and discussion tailored to your needs.
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