ELLIO: Threat List MAX trial

A special 30-day trial for ntopng users.

Welcome ntopng users!

Enjoy a 30-day free trial by filling out the form below. After registration, you'll receive an email with a link to the ELLIO: Feed and integration guidelines.

Why ELLIO: Feed:

  1. You gain deeper insights into network traffic, providing latest information on mass exploitation, botnets, generic attacks, and other malicious activities that hits your network.
  2. ELLIO: Feed not only labels malicious traffic from scans and attacks but also helps identify malicious actors using your services for illicit activities.

Enhance your traffic monitoring and network visibility with ELLIO!

Documentation is available here.

Get your 30-day free trial
of ELLIO: Threat List MAX today!

By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy.
Thank you! You will receive the email with the link to your ELLIO: Feed with instructions on how to set it up in ntop-ng to your email shortly. If you have not received the email in the next few minutes, please reach out to us using contact form.
We kindly request a business email address. Please note that temporary or free email addresses are not accepted. Should you require assistance or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact us at partners@ellio.tech. Thank you for your cooperation.

Welcome ntopng users!

Enjoy a 30-day free trial by filling out the form.
After registration, you'll receive an email with a link to the ELLIO: Threat List MAX feed and integration guidelines.

Why ELLIO: Threat List:

  1. Gain deeper insights into network traffic, providing latest information on mass exploitation, botnets, generic attacks, and other malicious activities that hits your network.
  2. ELLIO: Feed not only labels malicious traffic from scans and attacks but also helps identify aicious actors using your services for illicit activities.

Enhance your traffic monitoring and 360° network visibility with ELLIO!

Documentation and Integration guidelines here.

Luca Deri ntop foto
ntop Founder
We've been using the ELLIO: Feed in live production, and it has proven highly effective at spotting threats. Compared to other security solutions such as IDSs, ELLIO doesn't require constant supervision and handles zero-day attacks better. Thus, we've partnered with ELLIO to bring their technology to the ntop user community".

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